Zeke’s Latest Travels

Our beloved Zeke has been on many incredible adventures these last few months. From the South of France to the Rhine in Germany, our clients, colleagues, and business partners have graciously packed Zeke for their travels, showing him the world and sharing their pictures with us. Check out his worldly adventures!

Bright Lights, Big City!

Zeke enjoyed the neon lights and opulence of Las Vegas, Nevada during his travels with Zhakalazky Carrion, Senior Manager at Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner, P.A. But Zeke’s adventures with Zhakalazky aren’t limited to Las Vegas. 

Most Traveled Zeke

With over 100+ photos of travels from Coast to Coast in the United States, Zhakalazky was also a winner of our #WorkFromAnywhere Photo Contest. We loved traveling across America with Zeke! 

Wine and Rhine

Our Director of Development, Mark McNeal, took Zeke all across Germany and Amsterdam: from gothic cathedrals to wine on the Rhine, Zeke loved being a world-traveler with his trusted colleague. 

When in France!

Zekes encounters with fermented grapes was in no way limited to Germany, however. Gary Kiefer, Senior Financial Analyst at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP took Zeke all around Southern France to enjoy water, forest, and of course, a few glasses of wine. 

Back to Business

Of course, it wasn’t ALL fun and games for Zeke! The Konica Minolta Team took Zeke to Konica Minolta offices to meet our colleagues and partners. As you can see, he thoroughly enjoyed his tour. 

There's Still Time to Play!

You still have a chance to participate in our virtual Zeke Photo Contest! Submit your photos of Zeke to whereszeke@nQzw.com on or before December 15, 2023 to be part of our final roundup of submissions for the year. 

We’ll announce submission details for our 2024 Zeke Photo Contest for virtual and tradeshow participants in January 2024. Hold on to any fun travel you take Zeke on after the 15th! New prizes and new ways to play! 

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