Zeke Photo Contest Winner: ALA Seattle Edition

We were overjoyed to receive forty submissions for our Zeke Photo Contest during ALA National Expo and Conference in Seattle, Washington this May 7th – 10th. The creativity of each submission blew us away, but in the end, there could only be one winner, chosen by votes from our whole company. The winner of $1000 was Angela Ledyard, Firm Administrator at Kessler Collins, P.C.

Zeke in Seattle at Pier 62

submitted by: Angela Ledyard, Firm Administrator | Kessler Collins, P.C.

Our team members loved how Angela captured Zeke’s quintessential ‘Zekeness’ with his coiffed mane and perfectly posed hooves at the forefront of the iconic Seattle Ferris Wheel with the ocean backdrop from the pier. Thank you, Angela, for your wonderful submission! 

Deciding first place wasn’t easy, and it started by determining our Top Four. We hope you enjoy the top three submissions that were voted on by our teammates. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth to grab a Zeke and participated! We loved each and every one. 

Zeke Takes On The Space Needle

submitted by: Audrey Serban, Office Administrator | Fisher & Phillips, LLP

Zeke At the Seattle Gum Wall

Submitted by: Zhakalazky Carrion, Senior Manager | Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner, P.A.

Public Market sign at Pine Street

Submitted by: Thais Bentes, Senior Director | Snell & Wilmer

Don’t forget you still have a chance to win $1000! We’re going to be running our Photo Contest again in Orlando during ILTACON August 20 – 24th. Won’t be at ILTACON? You can still play! Just submit your Zeke photo to whereszeke@nqzw.com before August 25th for your chance to win! Don’t have a Zeke? No problem. Drop us a line and we’ll mail you one. 

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