Law firms typically have limited time and resources in which to implement any new product or service, so a vital part of the sales process is discussing what a potential roll-out will look like at the firm. Having a sample implementation plan as a starting point can help a potential prospect better understand the time frame for rolling out the product and what the installation and training process will entail and help solidify their decision to purchase. Here are the elements of a sample implementation plan.
Kick-Off Call

This call covers introductions and helps define roles and contract scope. Server requirements will be discussed and the client will be given an overview of the implementation timeline so that key milestones and delivery dates can be agreed upon and a schedule can be finalized.
The scope covered in the contract will also be discussed to ensure that everyone is on the same page and expectations are in line. This call is typically attended by the project manager from nQueue, the client, and a representative from our partner.
Establish Basic Milestones and Timeline & Create Initial Project Plan
The project manager will then pull together a summary of the milestones and dates. Once the client signs off, an actual project plan is created. A technical consultant will provide all the technical requirement documents relevant to the project, including what access is needed. These requirements and the project plan are sent to the client for sign-off before the project moves forward.
Remote Installation vs. On-Site Installation
Whether the installation will be done remotely or on-site, the system will be configured based on the firm’s requirements as outlined in the project plan. Once the system has been configured, the technical consultant will review the set up with the client to ensure that user credentials and client-matter format is set up correctly.
Technical & Contract Audit

After the system has gone live, a technical audit is performed to ensure that it was configured correctly and without errors. Results are provided to the project manager, who will perform a second audit before scheduling system admin training.
Admin Training
Following successful audits, the project manager submits a request for admin training to the nQueue product trainer. Admin training takes place in order to enable the firm’s own admins to handle most system needs.
Client Sign-off
Once admin training is complete, a client sign-off form is sent to ensure that everything has been installed and configured correctly and the firm’s team members have been properly trained.
Handover to Support
With implementation complete, the firm can rely on our legendary support team to handle any ongoing needs.
Keep in mind that this outline is intended to serve as a guide. Specific project plans should be customized for each individual potential sale. At nQueue, we are committed to working with you as a partner to make the sale.