Resellers have a responsibility to demonstrate expertise about the products and services they are selling. But your prospects also want you to show an understanding of the legal industry and be tuned into the specific challenges firms face. This understanding helps set the standard for every aspect of the sale. Here are some key things to consider when engaging with law firms:
Understand their Challenges

Your prospects want to be assured that you understand the particular challenges that firms face. Firms have unique challenges with document scanning and cost recovery and tailoring your presentation and solution to meet those needs, you’re one step closer to a sale.
Identify the Decision-Makers & the Influencers
The decision-maker is often the person who writes the check, but the influencer – or influencers – can be just as important. Determining who plays these roles in the firm, and what level of expertise they have with regard to the technology and solutions you are selling, is an important part of building your customer relationship. Establishing a dialogue with these key players helps you better understand the firm’s culture and needs. Often, the managing partner is the decision-maker, but the office administrator or IT might be the key influencer. The endorsement of all can be critical to moving the conversation forward towards a sale. So, make sure you take the time to understand how the firm works and who you should be focusing on during these discussions.
Collaboration is Key
Collaboration is an essential element of every law firm’s practice. While they respect your expertise as a sales agent for your product, they also expect to play an active role in developing the right solution to meet their needs. A collaborative approach is essential to ensure that you end up offering a complete solution that meets their needs.
Be prepared to fill in knowledge gaps

Your prospects are experts in what they do, but that doesn’t mean they fully understand the product or solution you are selling. Be prepared to fill in any gaps in knowledge when discussing your solutions and how they can best meet the needs of the firm. Provide them with real information that will allow them to see how your product or solution can help them better run their offices and serve their clients.
Keep the Lines of Communication Open
Maintaining an open level of interaction and communication is essential during every phase of the sales process and beyond. Your prospects must feel that you are easy to contact and readily available to respond to questions, clarify areas of confusion, and provide ongoing support. Keeping the lines of communication open helps avoid any misunderstandings or miscommunications that can bring a promising sale to a halt.
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