Matter Management Integration for ScanQ
In the era of Work From Anywhere attorneys and legal professionals need workflows that make it easy to digitize documents and get them into their matter management systems. We built a Matter Mangement Integration to do just that. The configurable integration supports any file-based format, making it easy for other platforms to ingest scanning workflows.
Bringing It All Together
Better Scanning Workflow
The Matter Management Integration for ScanQ passes meta-data to that system in any definable text format and makes an OCR PDF scan of that document, making it easy for other platforms to ingest the scanning workflow.
Eliminate Custom Projects
Custom projects are costly and difficult to maintain. Our universal, configurable tool doesn't require custom coding and turns integration from one-offs into a regularly supported feature.
Drive Efficiency
In the era of hybrid work, stop-gap measures for digital workflows are on the chopping block as more and more law firms move to better systems and better processes to drive their business and practice.
Turbocharge Your Scanning Workflow
To learn more about the Matter Management Integration for ScanQ, or for more insight and assistance,
get in touch with us today!