Law Firm Back Scanning

Seamlessly digitize paper documents into your firm’s records or document management system with customized workflows, collaboration and quality control designed specifically for your records department.

RecordsQ boosts efficiency, saves space, enhances disaster recovery and security, and delivers long-term cost savings.

Workflow Automation with Quality Assurance

Leverages Queues technology to digitize large volumes of paper records with a built-in QC system to ensure high-quality document archival.  Optionally use cover pages to define the destination during scanning. Shared queues enables team collaboration in the digitization process.

Built-in PDF Editing

Make changes to scanned documents right in your workflow with no need to go to an external PDF editor. Rescan only the necessary pages and merge into the original document. Built-in collaboration enhances customizable workflows to match your firm's process.

Audit Trail and Dashboard Reporting

Oversight and information governance is driven by audit trails and dashboard reporting, offering complete tracking of document handling actions and insights into scanning operations.

Efficient Document Digitization with RecordsQ

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