The monthly billing cycle is a grueling and crucial part of law firm operations. Technology has made significant progress in making the creation of the bill more efficient, e.g., time entry and pre-bill editing.
But all the repetitive, manual steps from when the bill is generated to when cash is collected have previously avoided automation.
We’ve changed that with BillingQ, built with our Queues workflow technology.
The benefits:
- Time savings: the typical firm saves several days during every monthly billing cycle, allowing billing professionals to work on higher-value projects.
- Increased efficiency: automation streamlines the billing process, driving faster, more timely billing and improving the firm’s cash flow and financial management.
- Reduced errors: set it up once, and then automation delivers the right bill via email to the right contacts every time.
Before BillingQ, we would have a stack the size of a ream of paper where our LAA would have to go through and manually prepare emails based on the requirements of each individual client billing statement we sent out. Now those emailed bills are sent through automation."
Dawn Donham, Worden Thane – case study
- Professionalism: messaging created at the firm, billing attorney, and client level delivers consistent communication to clients.
- Scalability: automation makes keeping up with the firm’s growth easier.
- Real-time analytics: on-demand, drill-down dashboards deliver client and matter financial information to the appropriate attorneys and staff.
We love ProLaw, but needed a better user experience for the attorneys and their assistants. The combination of BillingQ and ProLaw has given the firm exactly the solution they needed.”
Gina Martin, Nelson Hardiman – case study
- Staff satisfaction: reducing repetitive and mundane tasks in the billing process increases job satisfaction, reduces burnout, and increases productivity.
- Automated A/R follow-up: professional communication with one combined PDF attachment that includes a Statement of Account linking to the outstanding detailed bills.
- Workflow approvals: billing professional or attorney review of client communication builds confidence in automated workflows.
I would highly recommend BillingQ, especially for firms struggling with the collections process.”
Richard Rychlicki, Lippes Mathias – case study