Bringing It All Together: Matter Management Integration for ScanQ

New configurable tool integrates with any Practice Management System that supports a definable file-based integration.

Today we announce our Matter Management Integration for ScanQ, a configurable tool that allows our software to integrate with any practice management workflow system that supports a definable file-based integration. Our innovative Queues technology enables workflows that make it easy to digitize documents and get them into your firm’s core systems. ScanQ includes built-in integrations with iManage and NetDocuments, and this new integration capability expands the support to many more systems where attorneys and staff need documents as part of their workflows.

The Matter Management Integration for ScanQ passes meta-data to that system in any definable format and makes an OCR PDF scan of that document, making it easy for other platforms to ingest the scanning workflow. “Law firms spend a significant amount of time and resources investing in one-off customization projects that are difficult to maintain,” says CEO, Bill Bice. “Our integrations don’t require custom coding, eliminates those kinds of one-off projects and turn them into regularly supported features.”

Integration is the missing piece for firms to achieve the full ROI on their technology investments.

In the era of hybrid work, stop-gap measures for digital workflows are on the chopping block as more and more law firms move to better systems and better processes to drive their business and practice. “Integration is the missing piece for firms to achieve the full ROI on their technology investments,” according to Bice.

About nQ Zebraworks

nQ Zebraworks Queues is the workflow engine that drives the business and practice of law. nQzw provides workflow solutions to more than 35% of the largest 250 law firms in the United States, seven of the top 20 in the U.K., seven of the largest 35 in Australia and 5 of the top 10 globally. It provides scanning and printing, practice management and cost recovery and analytics solutions that drive hybrid operations and other critical workflows.

Learn more about the Matter Management Integration for ScanQ. 


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